Koh Tomyums is a Thai restaurant located on an island called Discovery Bay, Hong Kong. In Thai language, the noun "Koh" translates to "island" while "Tomyums" represents a famous hot and sour soup. The restaurant strictly believes in authenticity with strong ambitions of delivering high quality authentic Thai food and services to customers in a foreign country. To make foreign customers feel as if they are experiencing Thai food in Thailand.
However, the current Koh Tomyums' logo does not speak for its authentic personality and its high quality services. As such the brief is to transfer the authentic unique selling points of Koh Tomyums into its new brand identity. 
Inspired by the sophisticated, elegant and refined characteristics of the Thai culture, the Thai dancing hand gestures was utilised to help reflect Koh Tomyums' authentic unique selling points. Moreover, in order to represent the name of the restaurant, the Thai hand gestures formed into a memorable and minimal palm tree icon that can be easily recognised across multiple platforms. 
Sketchbook ideation and development process:
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